Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Il gusto e l'olfatto

We have been investigating how our senso dell’olfatto (sense of smell) influences our senso del gusto (sense of taste). We did an experiment to see if we could tell the difference between apple (la mela) and potato (la patata) when we had our eyes closed and our nosed blocked. We then repeated the experiment to see if blocking our nose affected how well we could taste. We got some interesting results! Try it with your families at home to find out what happens!

Want to learn more? Click on this link for a fun interactive tutorial filled with interesting information! Taste & Smell tutorial

Next Monday Kate’s, Prue’s, Ruby’s, Hannah’s and Karen’s classes will be making Margherita pizza! Classes that have Italian on Tuesday and Wednesday will be making pizza the following week (the last week of term).
Non vedo l’ora! (I can’t wait!)

A presto!

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