Wednesday, 15 May 2013

L'udito (hearing)

We have begun learning about l’udito (hearing) this week. The Prep - Grade 2 students have been investigating sounds that are piano (soft) and forte (loud). The older students have been learning about how our ears (le orecchie) detect sound waves (onde sonore). We did an experiment for which we made a gong out of a coat hanger! If you don’t believe it’s possible, try it yourself at home!

What you need:
- a metal coat hanger
- two pieces of fishing wire or string (each about 50cm long)
- sticky tape (two small pieces to tape the knotted string in place so it doesn’t move along the hanger)
- a spoon or pencil to hit the “gong” with

1. Tie the strings to the corners of the coat hanger and secure with sticky tape.
2. Hold the strings in your fingers and have someone tap the coat hanger with a spoon or pencil. (Alternatively you can knock it softly against a hard surface.)
3. Wrap each string around your index fingers and block your ears with your fingers.
4. Repeat the experiment with your fingers in your ears. How does the sound change? Why?

How the hanger gong works!
Image from: Renee, R. (2000). Good vibrations: Experimenting with sound. Rigby Heinemann: Port Melbourne.


Playing "Dove sono?" ("Where am I?") to investigate how our
hearing is affected with distance and by using one ear vs two ears.

Here are some cool videos about hearing and soundwaves. Click on the links to watch them.

We have been getting some fantastic comments on the blog! If you would like to write a comment, just follow these simple steps:
1.      Click on the blue/purple “comments” at the bottom of a post.
2.      Write your comment/question in the box that appears.
3.      Select “Name/URL” in the drop-down box menu next to “Comment as:”
4.      Type your name then click “continue”.
5.      Click “publish”.

A presto!


  1. Annabella in Georgia's group28 May 2013 at 19:21

    ciao stefania!!!!
    questa attivita era molto divertente.
    tutte le attivita che abbiamo fatto sono state molto divertente!!! grazie per insegnarci tutte le meravigliose cose che ci hai insegnato.
    bacioni da Annabella
    hello stephani
    this was a very fun activity.
    all your activitys are fun!!!
    thank you for teaching us all the marvoules things you have taught us!!!
    love Annabella

  2. ciao stefphanie,
    i really enjoy itanlian. you make really good actiities.

